.click to download the work in .tar.gz archive format_ (AnotherInternetIsPossibleHTML.tar.gaz, 262 bytes, containing the document index.html, 223bytes)
.click to see the code of the work_
.another internet is possible!_ is a very simple html5 document including CSS1 inline style. the document named index.html is intended to be hosted on a web server where clients may visit on the world wide web as a static web page.
.any web browser renders the file just showing the text “.another internet is possible!_” using the default font of the browser with a height of 100px that is formatted using CSS1 inline style. there are no outbound hyperlinks or any other code other than the minimum required html elements for a valid html5 document. no tracking codes, no javaScript, no web cookies, no SEO code etc_ however this subdomain (anotherinternet.httpdot.net), probably like all web sites, does track you as you can see in the .privacy!_ notice in the footer of this page. click here for more about your privacy here_
.another internet is possible!_ can be visited on the url http://another.httpdot.net but it can also be viewed offline by saving the web page at that url or downloading it here in .tar.gz archive format. the work is .copyleft!_ and you can upload the index.html file to any web server to host it and you are also more than welcome to appropriate it the way you like_
.label for the work:_
.another internet is possible!_
by .-_-.
html5 document with CSS1 inline style
to be hosted on a web server
in various forms according to the rendered browser and settings
.copyleft!_ , ?afak Çatalba?, .-_-. , 2010
.this page was created on 31.08.213 and last updated on 31.09.2013